
Utah Republican State Senate candidate faces mixed reactions to viral campaign rap video
Paulson, who seemed to be having a blast in the video, began her rap by dancing and professing her love of "God and family and the Constitution." Read More.
WATCH: Whoopi Goldberg Forced Into Awkward On-Air Explanation After Making Gay Marriage Joke About Lindsey Graham
The 66-year-old comedian suggested she’d have to quit the show following the segment, which began by discussing Graham’s proposed federal 15-week abortion ban. Read More.
Trump Interviewing Biden! - SO FUNNY
Watch this commentary by JP Sears on the video mashup of Trump interviewing Biden, using footage from Biden's recent interview on 60 minutes. Read More.
DeSantis Says Gavin Newsom’s ‘Hair Gel’ is Affecting Brain Function After CA Governor Demands ‘Kidnapping’ Charges
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis fired back at Gavin Newsom for demanding he be investigated for “kidnapping” after flying planes of illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard, suggesting his California counterpart’s “hair gel” is depleting his “brain function.” Read More.
Why ‘Elites Are So Rightfully Hated In Our Society’: Comedian Sums Up Significance Of Migrants At Martha’s Vineyard In Viral Post
Comedian and libertarian activist Dave Smith got to the core of liberals’ hypocrisy in a viral Twitter thread posted Saturday about Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) flying some 50 illegal immigrants to the wealthy enclave of Martha’s Vineyard. Read More.
New York spent a quarter of a billion dollars on COVID equipment and now it's all just sitting around, unused, gathering dust
Remember at the beginning of the pandemic, when every third word out of every government official's mouth was "ventilators?" Everybody knew we needed 450,000,000 ventilators every year, indefinitely, or everyone was going to die, everywhere. Read More.
Yo Republicans, here's your free campaign ad. You're welcome.
To win the midterms, run literal words from the Dems' mouths about celebrating sexual groomers and enforcing medical tyranny, then plaster this photo everywhere: Read More.
Free Beacon video shows lib journos struggling to spin yesterday’s inflation report as GOOD NEWS
The contrast between the way the liberal media covers things under Biden and the way they covered things under Trump continues to be fascinating and maddening. Read More.
Stacey Abrams' Embarrassing Weekend
It must be tough to be part of Stacey Abrams’ campaign. For starters, the governor candidate has bought into every bit of the fawning press the mainstream media has generated for her. Secondly, she seems completely blind to the political realities that not everybody loves her like the left does — especially in Georgia. Read More.
New York Times Accused of ‘Normalizing’ Cannibalism After Publishing ‘Sick’ Essay
In an essay published in the New York Times on Saturday — titled “A Taste for Cannibalism?” — writer Alex Beggs discussed recent media involving cannibalism. Read More.
You Won’t Believe What Delusional Kamala Harris Said on NBC Interview
The Democratic Party and its cheerleaders in the national media like to give the impression that they have a sophisticated and nuanced perspective on the current state of the nation, but in reality, their argument boils down to the following: None of America’s political structures or mechanisms are lawful or genuine unless we’re the ones regulating them. Read More.
DC Mayor Declares Public Emergency In Response To Busloads of Immigrants Sent From Texas, Arizona
Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser on Thursday declared a public emergency as Arizona and Texas continue to send busses carrying illegal immigrants into the city. Read More.
'My name is Elizabeth, call me Bob, this is my beer': Ted Cruz jokes Elizabeth Warren might have a PENIS because 'in today's Democrat Party how do we know she doesn't' during Nevada rally
Senator Ted Cruz has joked fellow Senator Elizabeth Warren 'might have a penis' because 'in today's Democrat Party, how do we know she doesn't?' Speaking to around 1,500 supporters at the seventh annual Basque Fry in Gardnerville, Nevada, Cruz told supporters: 'We need courage responding to crazy town. Read More.
Man In Reflective Vest And Clown Wig Storms Dairy Queen To Restore ‘President King’ Trump
A man wearing a reflective vest and a rainbow-colored clown wig stormed a Dairy Queen in Pennsylvania on Saturday, carrying a loaded gun and telling police that he was working “undercover” and planned to “restore Trump to president king of the United States.” Read More.

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