
President Joe Biden tells crowd another of his Amtrak stories, for real
Grandpa Joe Biden was in Baltimore Monday to kick off an infrastructure tour, making an appearance at a 150-year-old train tunnel that’s scheduled to be repaired. He also had an Amtrak story to tell the crowd, and you know it’s true because he said, “For real.” Read More.
Elizabeth Warren Swings For Washington DC Statehood, Gets Smacked With the Constitution
Senator Elizabeth Warren declared her support for Washington D.C. to become a state and was immediately hit with a jolt of reality from critics via the Constitution. Warren (D-MA) took to social media Monday to voice her opinion on a long-sought battle for the District’s statehood. Read More.
Even CNN’s Dana Bash calls Adam Schiff out for LYING during interview about losing committee seat (watch)
Man oh man, Democrats sure get whiny when Republicans do the same sort of things to them that they’ve been doing to Republicans all along. Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, and Ilhan Omar have done nothing but b**ch and moan for days since getting kicked off their committees. Read More.
President Biden gives his ‘word as a Biden’ and LOL
President Biden has given his ‘word as a Biden’ that he’s feeling really optimistic about America’s future, despite his disastrous presidency. Read More.
Jill Biden Brings the Cringe at the Eagles Game, but I've Got Other Questions
Jill Biden was spotted in a booth with NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell. By the way, did you know Jill Biden has a doctorate? I just want to make sure you know that because it’s very important that you do. Read More.
Hawley Introduces PELOSI Act to Ban Stock Trades for Lawmakers and Their Spouses
Senator Josh Hawley has introduced legislation that would ban lawmakers in Congress from making stock purchases or trades – dubbed the Preventing Elected Leaders from Owning Securities and Investments – or PELOSI – Act. Read More.
DAAAMN SON –> Kevin McCarthy is DONE playin’ with Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell (watch)
We like this bada*s version of Kevin McCarthy. Booyah. It seems like Republicans in the past were always more concerned about playing nice than beating Democrats at their own game, but not so much right now. Read More.
Chuck Schumer’s straight-up LIE about the ‘radical’ GOP so obnoxious even Elon Musk chimed in
Chuck Schumer never tells the whole story about what the GOP really wants to do with taxes … because he knows it could work. And let’s face it, nobody loves a tax more than our pals in the Democratic Party. We imagine the moment they heard the words ‘disband the IRS’ they shut down and missed everything else. Read More.
Adam Schiff wants to fight MAGA extremists and defend democracy as California’s next US Senator
When it comes time to choose a Senate candidate for 2024, California Democrats have an important decision to make. Assuming Dianne Feinstein decides to announce her retirement, of course. Read More.
Biden judicial nominee can't answer basic questions: "What does Article V of the Constitution do?" 😬
If THIS is the quality of federal judge that Joe Biden is appointing to the federal bench, I think it's safe to say that we are officially doomed as a country. Read More.
Nancy Pelosi continued her Wall Street streak by selling MILLIONS in Google stock weeks before the DOJ filed a lawsuit against the company 👀
Nancy Pelosi must have some sort of magic touch when it comes to the stock market, because the lady just doesn't miss. Read More.
Schiff & Swalwell whine about getting booted off the Intel Committee and there’s NOT enough popcorn
A couple days ago Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff laughably warned that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s threat to remove him from the Intelligence Committee would “damage the committee’s independence” and accused McCarthy of creating a “committee on conspiracy theories” (projection detected).  Read More.
MIKE PENCE HAS CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS! Everyone has classified documents!
Apparently, everyone has classified documents, but it is getting to the point where if we find our cousin’s brother-in-law’s ex-girlfriend’s son has some classified documents in the magazine rack by the toilet we are not going to be surprised. Read More.
Look Out, Joe! New Harvard Poll Shows Trump Handily Beating Biden in 2024
A new poll featuring responses from within the past few days shows improving numbers for Donald Trump in several areas, including favorability rating and the likelihood of beating President Biden in a 2024 rematch. Read More.
Gov. Gavin Newsom tells reporter why guns are bad (while surrounded by armed security)
There were multiple mass shootings in California over the weekend and into Monday, and instead of getting into the possible root causes of these terrible things, Gov. Gavin Newsom instead decided to go after the Second Amendment and explain why gun rights are a bad thing... Read More.

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