
What … the Hell is going on here? John Fetterman makes Kamala Harris look like some great ORATOR in latest campaign speech
Ok, so we don’t want to be overly cruel or super critical as we know John Fetterman had a stroke recently but … yikes. What the Hell is going on here and are the Democrats sure this guy is really ok to run? Watch. Read More.
Elizabeth Warren Claimed People Would Have Voted For Her If She Had a Penis, Ted Cruz Says ‘How Do We Know She Doesn’t?’
Elizabeth Warren, according to a new book, felt she didn’t win the Iowa Caucuses in 2020 and subsequently the Democrat nomination for President because she isn’t a man, even claiming some voters told her they’d have supported her if she “had a penis.” Read More.
‘The Simpsons’ to reveal secret for predicting the future, showrunner says
If you wanna know where the world is heading, fire up “The Simpsons.” Read More.
China one of the freest societies in the world: Video of Nancy Pelosi's gaffe goes viral
In her recent interview, US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi had a slip of tongue and called China ‘one of the freest societies in the world’. The video went viral on social media. Read More.
Hillary ‘Cankles’ Clinton flaunting her own corruption and using the FBI’s raid of Trump’s home to sell crap merch does NOT go well
The first thing we thought when we saw this tweet was, ‘Why does she keep using that picture? She hasn’t looked like that in over 20 years.’ Ok, so that was more like the second thing we thought, but still … Read More.
So a RAID: Lefties and the FBI want everyone to stop calling their raid on Trump’s home a RAID because saying raid makes them look bad
Seems our pals in the FBI and on the Left don’t want us to call the FBI’s raid on Trump’s home a raid because apparently calling a raid a raid sets bad optics since a raid is not a good thing and we’re helping Trump ‘frame the messaging.’ Read More.
Another one gone: Jill Biden’s press secretary Michael LaRosa resigns
​First lady Jill Biden’s press secretary is stepping down this week, continuing the high turnover among the White House’s communications staff as messaging becomes a dire issue for the president. Read More.
Rod Blagojevich swipes AOC for 'pretending' to be handcuffed: 'When I get arrested, I get arrested for real!'
Ex-Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich had fun at the expense of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and himself Read More.
Hunter Biden scandal may lead right back to Joe
“BIDEN SECRET E-MAILS” read the front page exclusive, revealing a 2015 email from an executive at the corrupt Ukrainian energy firm Burisma, thanking Hunter for introducing him to Hunter’s then-VP ­father in Washington. Read More.
Classless Biden Brags That His COVID-19 Wasn’t as Bad as Trump’s
Old Joe Biden is over his case of the Sino-American Sniffles, and the main lesson he wants you to draw from that fact is that he is, once again, superior to that insurrectionist Trump, for whom you must never vote, ever again. Read More.
Investigation: The Biden Administration Is Crawling With Conspiracy Theorists
Joe Biden’s administration is crawling with conspiracy theorists who are tainted and beguiled by what may be a wilder and nuttier theory than all those wild Q-Anon stories. Read More.
According to the Media, It's Unfair for Biden's Polling to Reflect Economic Woes
It’s no secret that polling for Joe Biden isn’t looking good, especially when it comes to the economy. Americans aren’t happy with their bank accounts or their 401ks, and they’re pinning the blame on the president. Read More.
Watch: Liz Warren Gets Roasted in Hilarious Impersonation of Her Bad Faith Crisis Center Attacks
Liz Warren is awful. That’s a given. She’s also a liar and fraud. Who can forget her campaign to prove her native chops? To great fanfare, she proved that she had about the same amount of native blood as George Custer and like him, her claim got massacred. Well, actually, it was death by suicide but she didn’t realize it was until she was told how stupid she looked. Read More.
Trump demands NY Times, Washington Post return Pulitzers for Russia hoax
Former President Donald Trump called on the New York Times and Washington Post late Monday to give back the Pulitzer Prizes they won for their reporting on the FBI’s investigation into alleged ties between his 2016 campaign and Russia. Read More.

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