
‘My Family And I Are Very Hurt’
The mother of Jacob Blake, the man who was severely injured in a police-involved shooting Sunday, came out against the violence that has swept Kenosha, Wisconsin, since her son’s death. Read More.
Joan Collins says she clashed with police officer over wearing wrong mask inside store: 'He yelled at me'
Joan Collins revealed she had a run-in with a police officer while vacationing in the South of France. Read More.
Unhinged Leftist Assaults Democrat Gathering Signatures To Recall Oregon Governor
Oregon Governor Kate Brown is so far off the rails that even democrats across the state have joined Republican efforts to recall her. Among those was Harlan Wright, who was gathering signatures for the recall effort in Happy Valley, just outside of Portland. That was until violent, unhinged leftist Joshua John Thompson showed up to the recall site and engaged in a verbal altercation with a female petitioner before physically assaulting Wright, sending him to the hospital with multiple injuries. Read More.
WATCH: Rioters Appear To Knock Out Police Officer With Brick During Black Lives Matter Riot
A man who appeared to be a police officer was knocked out during a Black Lives Matter riot in Kenosha, Wisconsin, that broke out late on Sunday night in response to black man being shot by authorities earlier in the day. Read More.
Politically Incorrect: Steven Crowder fact-checks Biden's acceptance speech and it is glorious
If this year's Democratic National Convention proved anything, it's that Democrats use many words to say absolutely nothing. As predicted, Joe Biden accepted the Democratic nomination for president and tried to paint Americans as victims of Donald Trump and himself as the people's savior. Read More.
Plugs Limps Over Low Bar to End Apocalyptic Week
RUSH: I feel like I’ve been here before. I feel like I’ve done that. I feel like this is deja vu. I feel like this thing has happened before and we’ve commented on it before and I’ll be darned if I can find anything different to say about it from previous years. I’m kind of hamstrung here. But that’s why I’m here, folks, to give you a perspective that you haven’t heard anywhere else. Read More.
Fact-checking the Democrats' 'Empathy'
After four nights of their virtual convention that deceptively used the state of Wisconsin in their logo even though candidates Joe Biden and Kamala Harris didn't deign to set one foot in the Badger State, it's clear that Democratic strategists decided that "Empathy" was to be the word of the day, every day, every hour and every minute of every cliched bromide uttered by every speaker presented to the American people. Read More.
Don’t Be Distracted from the Democrat Convention Disaster
RUSH: Do not worry, ladies and gentlemen. I am not going to let the indictment of Steve Bannon distract me like it’s distracting everybody else from the disaster that was the Democrat convention last night. That is exactly what it was. It was dark and dank, uninspiring, nothing uplifting about it whatsoever. It was deeply personal. Read More.
Joe Biden Requires Being Led by the Hand—Literally
Let’s not beat around the bush here. Joe Biden is a feeble old man who is probably a year or two from needing to be admitted to a skilled nursing home facility or requiring constant medical supervision. He also has the potential to be elected to lead the most powerful country on the planet. Read More.
Pompeo trolls Nancy Pelosi's DNC speech with Lisa Simpson meme
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tweeted a meme of Lisa Simpson shredding a piece of paper during Nancy Pelosi's endorsement of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden on Wednesday, a reference to the House Speaker ripping up a copy of President Trump's last State of the Union speech on live television. Read More.
Trump: 'If you can protest in person, you can vote in person' amid mail-in ballot controversy
Democrats have claimed that voting by mail is the only safe way to cast ballots amid the pandemic Read More.
Michelle Obama’s Divisive Speech Falls Short of 2016
Former First Lady Michelle Obama delivered a recorded speech on the first night of the Democratic National Convention that had pundits swooning over how she attacked President Donald Trump — but fell far short of her 2016 address. Read More.
‘Giant Warning’: Iowa State University Instructor Warns Anti-BLM, Pro-Life Views Are ‘Grounds For Dismissal’
An Iowa State University instructor’s syllabus warned students that anti-Black Lives Matter and pro-life viewpoints are “grounds for dismissal.” Read More.
Jill Biden’s ex-hubby claims one-time friend Joe ‘stole’ her away and he’s set to publish book
The ex-husband of Jill Biden claims that his one-time friend Joe Biden “stole” her from him and that the couple has lied for years about how they met. Read More.

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