Biden: Food shortages "it's going to be real" & Best memes from NATO Summit

President Biden on Thursday warned of global food shortages as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine — predicting that the war would upend global wheat supplies.

Russia and Ukraine jointly supply about a fourth of the world’s wheat exports.

“With regard to food shortages, yes we did talk about food shortages. And then it’s going to be real,” Biden said at a press conference in Belgium after attending meetings of NATO and G7 leaders.

“The price of the sanctions is not just imposed upon Russia. It’s post upon an awful lot of countries as well, including European countries and our country as well,” Biden said.

“Both Russia and Ukraine have been the breadbasket of Europe in terms of wheat, for example, just to give one example.” Read More... 

By Steven Nelson | New York Post 

In lighter news from around the interwebs...

Plenty of twitter users had fun with the images coming out of today's NATO Summit. Take a gander at some of the funniest NATO memes we found on Twitter.

First thing's first, we can't start without sharing C-SPAN's tweet quoting Biden and the video of him stumbling over his words... Again indecision
And THEN there was the group photo.... OF COURSE we have to start with this gem.

And last, we can't forget about poor ol' Boris a.k.a. Billy No Mates  

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