Tucker Carlson devoted an entire segment on Fetterman’s neck or Fetterneck, as some people call it.
Tucker Carlson: As you can see, it’s not quite a goiter but it’s bigger than a pimple. It’s a lump. But what sort of lump? That’s they question. Does this lump have its own Instagram? Does it plan to run for statewide office in Pennsylvania? Don’t laugh. The party that put Joe Biden in the White House is perfectly capable of running an entire campaign around any sentient lump of flesh.
This twitter user shared a close-up photo of Fetterman's neck:Tucker Carlson on what is beneath John Fetterman's hoodie:
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) September 14, 2022
"Does this lump have its own Instagram? Does it plan to run for statewide office in Pennsylvania?" pic.twitter.com/y1lg6S4jIW
First time Fetterman’s neck is fully exposed without a hoodie and folks have questions pic.twitter.com/U2ZDmFMubc
— Deb Formola (@debbieformola) September 11, 2022