Trump Says Claims Suggesting He Would Consider Mandatory Military Draft Are ‘Completely Untrue’

Former President Donald Trump said on June 11 that claims suggesting he would consider a mandatory draft if reelected are “completely untrue” and that he has “never even thought” of the idea.

The former president was responding to an article from The Washington Post, which cited “a cluster of influential former administration officials and GOP lawmakers,” that suggested he could re-instate mandatory military service for younger adults.

In a Truth Social post this week, former President Trump said it is a “ridiculous idea,” adding: “The Story is completely untrue. In fact, I never even thought of that idea.”

Previously, the former president hadn’t commented on whether younger people should be mandated to serve in the U.S. military, and The Washington Post did not include the former president’s opinion on a possible draft. The United States hasn’t had a draft since 1973, during the Vietnam War, and since then, military service has been voluntary.

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