JOHNNY DONOVAN: And now, from sunny South Florida, it’s Open Line Friday!
RUSH: And I have to tell you the easiest thing in the world would be to say, “Holy cow, did Biden knock it out of the park.” (interruption) Well, that’s what even commentators on our side are saying, Mr. Snerdley. They’re saying, “Boy, did Biden knock it out of the park. Holy cow.” And why do people think that?
It’s partially our fault. We lowered the bar. We’ve been talking about the fact that he’s got early-onset, late-onset senility, Alzheimer’s, what have you, and so he does a speech for about, what was it, 15 minutes? (interruption) How long? (interruption) Twenty-two minute speech, and there was only one flub, and you would have to have that flub pointed out to you. It was not glaring. It was toward the end of the speech.
But because he didn’t goof up a word, and because he didn’t lose his train of thought ’cause he’s reading a teleprompter, it’s very easy to say, “Oh, my, he nailed it. Oh, my, oh, my, he’s back.” And this is what the commentariat has been devoted to saying. And I imagine that there are a lot of you who are thinking, “Hey, yeah, we were expecting Biden to be not what we saw last night.”
I’ll bet there’s some of you who are scared now because Biden did better than you thought, better than the conventional wisdom had led you to believe. I’ll bet you, Mr. Snerdley, that there are even some people who are now wondering if Biden’s senility has been an act from the get-go. That he has been really good at pulling off that he’s not senile, that he doesn’t have early-onset Alzheimer’s, that there’s nothing wrong with his brain other than that he’s a leftist, and that he’s gonna be able to do his debates just fine, he’s gonna be able to answer questions just fine.this.