Over 4,000 cars and trucks ascended on Florida’s Doral Central Park, flying Trump 2020 flags and blaring their horns while their car windows were painted with slogans like “No Communism,” “Vote for Trump” and “Free Cuba” as people hung out of their sunroofs and windows waving Trump flags.
Yet, in this era of fake news, as to be expected, the mainstream media completely ignored the monumental turn out of Hispanic Trump support in Florida, the coveted battleground state and home to the majority of refugees from Cuba.
The media is strategically coordinating to downplay the immense support Trump has amassed among Cuban Americans and Hispanics, particularly in Florida, Ariel Martinez, the organizer of Cubans for Trump and Sunday’s Mother of all Caravans warned in an interview with The Gateway Pundit.
Dozens of media local and national outlets were sent a press release weeks ahead of the pro-Trump caravan, but just one outlet accurately covered the event, Martinez explained.
“It’s funny because they were all sent the press release. Just one local newspaper, the Miami Herald came and reported it accurately, which for me was a shock. They reported the number of cars and everything pretty much exactly the way it was,” he said. “But the other news stations basically didn’t cover it. Three local outlets, that stood outside the park, portrayed two to three cars coming out and mentioned the event for just about 30 seconds.