Liberals Pretend To Be Shocked That ‘They/Them’ Resumes Get Overlooked

“Interesting” — one word from Elon Musk yesterday resurrected a study from earlier this year. Media and Twitter liberals predictably feigned shock and outrage. Yet the study on how “nonbinary gender pronouns” affect one’s job prospects wasted time and money to produce obvious results.

In a preliminary survey, the researcher found that “80 percent of nonbinary people believed that identifying as nonbinary would hurt their job search.” He then tested this sentiment by submitting two sets of resumes to 180 entry-level jobs. The resumes were identical in every way, except that one included “they/them” pronouns. The experiment found that the “they/them” resumes received 8 percent less interest than the control.

Even though the study showed that America is a pretty damn tolerant society — over 90 percent of businesses failed to discriminate against even the most absurd leftist identity trend — the corporate media predictably ran with the study as an opportunity to reflect on the insidious biases lurking around every corner of American society.

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