Gonna leave a mark! The Hill praising Kamala Harris as one of the most consequential VPs in HISTORY backfires hilariously … on Kamala

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  • Source: Twitchy
  • 10/17/2022

The more the media tries to make Kamala Harris some great and historic vice president the more people just point and laugh at her … and at them. Dan Quayle probably spends time every night thanking God for Kamala because finally, there’s a VP that people make fun of more than him. It took a while, and it took Democrats picking their VP based on sex and color, but it finally happened.

Next to the media, Dan is probably her biggest fan.

Imagine writing this opinion and then imagine tweeting it for the world to see.

Yeah, yikes.

Tweet link: https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1581682658173931520?s=20&t=RbYSEwtf_IFyHH-x9d8nzQ

From The Hill:

Even Calhoun and John Adams, the only two former vice presidents with more tiebreaking votes than Harris, each served for more than four years and during times when the Senate was not evenly divided. The nearly unprecedented level of political polarization has also helped ensure that Harris would break a significant number of Senate ties since senators are presently loath to cross the partisan divide.

The very position of vice president is bizarre, limited and highly contextual. The Constitution originally provided that the second-highest vote-getter in the presidential election would become vice president. However, the 12th Amendment changed this structure in 1804 to provide for separate contests for president and vice president, with the vice presidential candidate with the highest vote count winning such office.

So she’s consequential because she’s a biased hack who always votes one way … her way.

Alrighty then.



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