But, as Dr. Anthony Fauci said, Trump never distorted the facts and there were no discrepancies between what they were telling him in private and what Trump was saying to Americans in public. So it was just a dumb non-story, being dropped to try to influence the election.
But meanwhile, Joe Biden is lying and miscasting his own response to the virus, claiming that he knew how serious it was in January because he wrote an op-ed about it, while Trump was actually addressing it.
In January, Trump activated the CDC, declared the virus a public health emergency, formed the task force, and cut travel with China.
What was Joe Biden’s response?
On Jan. 27, Biden’s “coronavirus adviser” Ron Klain took the side of China, praising China’s ‘transparency’ and on January 28, he said banning Chinese travelers was “premature.” Biden himself called the Trump response after he cut travel with China, “hysterical xenophobia.”
What were Biden and the Democrats saying in February? Saying there wasn’t an epidemic and acting as though cutting travel with China and having concern about the virus was racist.