What could possibly provoke such a hilariously asinine comment—made even more hilarious considering it was made in a venue geared toward the Americans most personally familiar with the totalitarian rule of Fidel Castro? Well:
“Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has seemingly lost his advantage over President Trump in the crucial swing state of Florida, an NBC News/Marist poll released Tuesday found. A lot of that shift seemingly stems from Florida’s Latino voters, who have gone from resoundingly supporting Hillary Clinton in 2016 to actually tipping in Trump’s favor this time around, the poll showed.”
Keep in mind, amigos, that when the polls and the media mention Florida "Latinos,” they’re no longer referring to traditionally and overwhelmingly Republican Cuban-Americans, who now comprise only about 20 percent of Florida’s “Latinos,” (if we must succumb to using that idiotic leftist nomenclature for a vastly diverse group of Americans, ethnicity-wise.)
For some crazy reason Trump has the fervent support of the great majority of living Americans who have personally experienced this hemisphere’s totalitarian regimes. In 2016 Trump got almost 60 percent of the Cuban-American vote, the highest percentage from any "ethnic" group in the U.S., including "southern whites." He'll probably get an even higher percentage this time. Most Cuban-Americans consider Trump America's best defense AGAINST the totalitarianism they saw from close-up with their own eyes in Cuba.