A Democrat consulting firm is allegedly attempting to encourage pro-Trump seniors to run third party in swing districts. This would lead to the Republican vote getting split up, making it easier for the district to tilt towards Democrats.
According to the National Pulse, the group of organizations is known under the name "Patriots Run Project," which is tied to firms such as Nevada-based Sole Strategies, Common Sense America, as well as Patinkin Research, each associated with the Democratic Party or Democrat campaigns. The website for the "project " states, "We need patriots to run and win elections. We need to break the uniparty."
The "Patriots Run Project" has successfully launched elderly as well as disabled Trump supporters as third-party candidates in several congressional races in multiple states, such as Iowa and Virginia. The elderly candidates have been recruited almost entirely by social media. This could damage Republicans in these races if a sizeable chunk of pro-Trump Republicans go with the more conservative candidates and split the vote.
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