Here are some overall observations from the week so far:
1. As Dinesh D’Souza explains in the video below – the Democrats must be freaking out because the Republican Party is now Trump’s party and he is destroying their narrative in a really entertaining and informative convention.
D’Souza talks about how this week pro-life is not hidden, it is out front with speakers from anti Planned Parenthood and even Coach Lou Holtz standing for the unborn.
The week also attacks the idea that President Trump is not for immigration. The President holds a swearing in ceremony in the White House and the left’s lies disappear into thin air. President Trump isn’t against immigration, he’s against illegal immigration.
Thirdly, President Trump and Republicans are appealing to minorities and the black vote.
2. Townhall’s Kurt Schlichter lists 5 reasons Trump is going to trounce Biden this year:
First, Joe Biden is Joe Biden and he is the wrong man at the wrong time. American’s hate the status quo and Biden represents the status quo.
Second, there is no market for communists outside of academia and Democrat cities. Americans are against this.
Third, minorities are waking up to the racist Democrat Party. If Trump steals even 5% more of the black vote, Democrats are destroyed.