Anna Paulina Luna, House GOP to hold Biden’s AG in ‘inherent contempt of Congress’ after DOJ refuses to prosecute him for defying subpoena

Speaking to press on Wednesday morning, Rep. Anna Paulina Luna of Florida, along with other GOP reps, held Biden's Attorney General Merrick Garland in inherent contempt of Congress. 

"We are here today because of the double standard that exists within the justice system," Luna began. "As you know, on February 27, the Oversight Committee as well as House Judiciary had sent a subpoena to Attorney General Garland, of which we received no response. And after referring him for criminal contempt, within 48 hours or less, the Department of Justice refused to prosecute."

"It's simple..." Luna posted, "1. The DOJ decided not to prosecute Biden. 2. Merrick Garland decided not to turn over the evidence to back the DOJ's decision. 3. Congress holds him in contempt. 4. DOJ refuses to prosecute Garland. 5. Inherent Contempt. Defy subpoenas. Be held accountable."
"Inherent contempt is clearly within our Article One authorities and Congress does have the power to investigate all legislative powers. Investigations are part of our legislative process, and people that interfere with these processes should be held accountable," she said.

"Inherent contempt was first used in 1795 and this was further upheld in a Supreme Court decision in 1927 in McGrain v. Daugherty that stated that Congress does indeed have this authority."

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